Historia, voces y memoria http://revistascientificas.filo.uba.ar/index.php/HVM Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Buenos Aires es-ES Historia, voces y memoria 1852-5369 Preliminares http://revistascientificas.filo.uba.ar/index.php/HVM/article/view/13326 . Copyright (c) 2023 2022-06-03 2022-06-03 13 Presentación http://revistascientificas.filo.uba.ar/index.php/HVM/article/view/12385 Miguel Alberto Galante Copyright (c) 2022 Historia, voces y memoria 2022-12-20 2022-12-20 13 La memoria como espacio de disputa entre dos tiempos. Concepciones sobre la sexualidad, el deseo y el cuerpo en las narrativas militantes del PRT-ERP http://revistascientificas.filo.uba.ar/index.php/HVM/article/view/12386 <p>In this work we intend to inquire about the revolutionary militant superficiality resulting from the seventies, since we consider that there was a deconstruction of female agency and domesticity. We believe that this behavior was forged in a stage of conflict and social change. Our main source of analysis is the testimony of men and women of an armed organization of the 1970s: PRT-ERP (Revolutionary Party of Workers-Revolutionary Army of People) which made its appearance in Argentina around 1965 and disappeared from the national scene in 1977 due to the intense repression that hit the country during those years. They are activists who developed their militancy in different regions of Argentina. Our purpose is to focus on their stories (especially) on how they experienced sexuality and desire by dabbling in how they think normative sexuality. Understanding that identities are not unique but temporal and permanently traversed by multiple factors which (re)create them, we consider that militants’ memory would be subject to new meanings from the present.</p> Paola Martínez Copyright (c) 2022 Historia, voces y memoria 2022-12-20 2022-12-20 13 10.34096/hvm.n13.12386 La ampliación del campo político. Una apuesta del PRT entre el GAN y la apertura constitucional (1972-1974). http://revistascientificas.filo.uba.ar/index.php/HVM/article/view/12387 <p>PRT-ERP was one of the most important political-military organizations in Argentina in the 1970s. At the beginning of the mobilization and radicalization process that followed the Cordobazo, its political activity was mainly focused on the development of the armed struggle. However, faced with the GAN and the constitutional opening of 1973, the PRT-ERP significantly expanded its unarmed political intervention. The promotion of massive publications, the extension of its activity to broader social and political sectors and, mainly, the constitution of the Anti-imperialist Front for Socialism, show signs of this important turn in its political activity. In this work we will explore the implications of this process.</p> Federico Cormick Copyright (c) 2022 Historia, voces y memoria 2022-12-20 2022-12-20 13 10.34096/hvm.n13.12387 Notes of memories in the construction of the "day Madryn ran out of bread" http://revistascientificas.filo.uba.ar/index.php/HVM/article/view/12388 <p>After the surrender of Argentine troops during the Malvinas War, on June 14, 1982, prisoners of war were embarked and sailed to the continent. Five days later, on June 19, 1982, the British cruiser Canberra docked at Site 3 of the Almirante Storni Dock in Puerto Madryn, where 4,172 soldiers landed. Despite the security fence implemented by the provincial authorities of the dictatorship, the people of Madryn, defying the armed forces, went out to the streets to receive the soldiers. This event is popularly known as <em>the day Madryn ran out of bread</em>. We will investigate the memories of residents, public authorities and war veterans in order to build a path that leads us to understand the reasons that led the population to demonstrate in the middle of the dictatorship and how that fact was remembered in the immediate post-war period and today.</p> Gastón Ballesteros Copyright (c) 2022 Historia, voces y memoria 2022-12-20 2022-12-20 13 10.34096/hvm.n13.12388 Volver al pasado desde la historia oral y la memoria: los casos del Hospital de Reforma y Hospital Privado de Comunidad en la Ciudad de Mar Del Plata (1961-2005). http://revistascientificas.filo.uba.ar/index.php/HVM/article/view/12389 <p>Este trabajo pretende rastrear desde la historia oral cómo los individuos se insertan dentro de las instituciones de salud y de qué manera estas instituciones influyen en la memoria, el imaginario y los recuerdos de los actores. Las instituciones analizadas son el Hospital de Reforma (hoy Hospital Interzonal General de Agudos "Dr. Oscar E. Alende") y el Hospital Privado de Comunidad (HPC), ambos de Mar del Plata. Las fuentes son entrevistas realizadas a los actores involucrados en la creación de dichas instituciones. La metodología utilizada será la historia oral, y los testimonios como fuente de trabajo para indagar en recuerdos, vivencias y memorias ofrecidas por los distintos actores. Está dividido en tres apartados, desarrollándose así primero la historia de ambas instituciones, luego el trabajo desde los testimonios recopilados y una reflexión final sobre el rol de los entrevistados a partir de la recreación de la memoria.</p> Facundo Felipe De Feudis Taboada Copyright (c) 2022 Historia, voces y memoria 2022-12-20 2022-12-20 13 10.34096/hvm.n13.12389 El The care in the memory of the women workers participating in the conflict of Alimentaria San Luis in 1986. http://revistascientificas.filo.uba.ar/index.php/HVM/article/view/12390 <p>The article deals with the memories of the former workers of Alimentaria San Luis in relation to the tasks of care and domestic work before, during and since the conflict of 1986. From the oral testimonies of two workers, an attempt is made to reconstruct the previous work trajectory , the activities carried out in the camp during the Strike, and the subsequent labor reintegration after the dismissal and its links with the field of reproduction. The perspective of care and the analysis of the spheres of production and reproduction in the sober narratives of the past, will allow us to account for how the image of feminine strength is constructed in memories, appealing to self-essentialization and to feminine stereotypes that, far from impressing passivity, at times cemented a combative and classist attitude.</p> Lautaro Emiliano Gallardo Copyright (c) 2022 Historia, voces y memoria 2022-12-20 2022-12-20 13 10.34096/hvm.n13.12390 Un nuevo pedúnculo de Memoria, Verdad y Justicia. Dos narraciones orales sobre el colectivo Historias Desobedientes http://revistascientificas.filo.uba.ar/index.php/HVM/article/view/12391 <p>In May 2017, after the controversial ruling of the Supreme Court of Justice commonly known as "2x1" and its attempt to apply it to those responsible for crimes against humanity in the country, the collective Historias Desobedientes (Hijos, Hijas y Familiares de Genocidas por la Memoria, Verdad y Justicia) began to make its first public appearance at the "Marcha Ni una Menos". This collective has positioned itself in the scenario of struggles for human rights in the country as a political-social grouping in defense of the policies of Memory, Truth and Justice.</p> <p>This paper focuses on the "life stories" and oral histories of Analía Kalinec and Bibiana Reibaldi (founding members of the collective) and seeks to explore the individual and collective transit that positioned them as activists for Memory, Truth and Justice, breaking the family mandates of denial and silence.</p> Gerardo Médica Copyright (c) 2022 Historia, voces y memoria 2022-12-20 2022-12-20 13 10.34096/hvm.n13.12391 Sandra and Ruben. Death and Popular Resistance in Time of neoliberal adjustment http://revistascientificas.filo.uba.ar/index.php/HVM/article/view/12392 <p>On August 2<sup>nd</sup>, 2017, at 8:06 am, Sandra Calamano and Ruben Rodriguez, who were workers at Escuela (school) Number 49 from Moreno District (Buenos Aires Province), died in the school as a result of an explosion. The initial outrage and suffering, expressed in massive and spontaneous mobilization was followed by the organization. School Principals; teachers and teacher assistants; students and parents, along with social organizations, started a fight against the provincial authorities for the closure of the District Schools with the demand that all of them be conditioned, as decided by teachers' assemblies. In turn, the Social Movements and the Unions began a 47-day camp, until the provincial authorities accepted the terms demanded by the popular sectors. This work analyzes the first 96 hours of what was known as “El Morenazo”.</p> Javier Salcedo Copyright (c) 2022 Historia, voces y memoria 2022-12-20 2022-12-20 13 10.34096/hvm.n13.12392 Reseña de la Mesa 24: Sectores populares, subjetividad y memorias militantes en la Argentina reciente. (XIV Encuentro Nacional y VIII Congreso Internacional de Historia Oral) http://revistascientificas.filo.uba.ar/index.php/HVM/article/view/12393 Ruth A. García Cristina Spena Copyright (c) 2022 Historia, voces y memoria 2022-12-20 2022-12-20 13 10.34096/hvm.n13.12393 |Reseña sobre la mesa N° 6 “Diálogos entre oralidad y mundos del arte en el pasado reciente latinoamericano” desarrollada en el XIV Encuentro Nacional y VIII Congreso Internacional de Historia Oral http://revistascientificas.filo.uba.ar/index.php/HVM/article/view/12394 Fabiana Navarta Bianco Copyright (c) 2022 Historia, voces y memoria 2022-12-20 2022-12-20 13 10.34096/hvm.n13.12394