Contribution of oral history to scientific knowledge. Reflections from a research about the labor movement of Tucumán in the '60s and '70s

  • Silvia Nassif
Keywords: oral history, objectivity, labor movement, Tucumán


This article is a brief synthesis on some aspects of the research methodology used for the analysis of a recent history experience, related to the labor movement in the ‘60 and ‘70 years in Tucumán. There are offered some issues about our theoretical approach, and we focus on the oral history as a tool that improves the scientific knowledge about the period and about the working class. Even more having in count the shortage of documents written about them, due to its deliberate destruction during the last military dictatorship. In addition, the use of oral sources allows us to inquire the subjectivity of the characters of those struggles. Finally, we analyze the objectivity too -distinguishing it from neutrality- and its importance for the scientific knowledge. 


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How to Cite
Nassif, S. (1). Contribution of oral history to scientific knowledge. Reflections from a research about the labor movement of Tucumán in the ’60s and ’70s. Historia, Voces Y Memoria, (9), 33-40.