The public uses of memory: between a past future, an abstent future and a unsuspected development

  • Paula Godinho
Keywords: memory, remembrance, neoliberalism, end of history


The uses of memory, always from a determined present, are explained by specific conjunctures and relations of forcé, which are interwoven with the lack of expectations, and led to a search for a past that was safe, deformed and simplified. The impact of the “study of memory” cannot be separated from that of the end of history, posed as a naturalization of neoliberalism and the sociopolitical impact of 1989. It is interesting to question what is memory, clarify its formats, its remittance to a past, and it refracting a present. 


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How to Cite
Godinho, P. (1). The public uses of memory: between a past future, an abstent future and a unsuspected development. Historia, Voces Y Memoria, (11), 9-23.