Los perdedores del proceso de actualización del modelo socioeconómico cubano: los cuentapropistas contra su voluntad

  • Jenny Morín Nenoff


In the present article, we will examine the shady side of the cuban transformation process from the subjective micro perspective of Guillermo, an unsuccessful cuban self-employed. The biography of his work life and his testimony will reveal us the socioeconomic heterogeneity among the actors of the non-state sector of the cuban economy and will also discribe the obstacles which hinder those people, the losers, to benefit from the current economic opening up in Cuba. Furthermore, we adress the new U.S. policy towards Cuba and discuss the possible opportunities and risks that it could entail for the internal dynamics of the cuban reforms. 


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How to Cite
Morín Nenoff, J. (1). Los perdedores del proceso de actualización del modelo socioeconómico cubano: los cuentapropistas contra su voluntad. Historia, Voces Y Memoria, (11), 25-36. https://doi.org/10.34096/hvm.n11.4904