Culture and politics in the labour movement at the beginning of Argentine democratic order. Reflections on Ford Motor occupation (June-July 1985)

  • Leandro Molinaro
Keywords: Ford, factory occupation, left-wing culture


This article tackles the occupation of Ford Motor Plant in General Pacheco (North of Buenos Aires Province), which took place between June 26th and July 14th 1985. Its specific goal lies in analysing the practices of the internal organisation in the occupation of this automobile plant, attempting to discern the experience and consciousness of the activist workers in this struggle. In the first part, a brief reference is made to the general situation of the period, in the second part the actual fact is described and in the third one, a theoretical analysis is presented on the basis of those theoretical categories proposed by the following authors: Edward Thompson, Raymond Williams, Antonio Gramsci y Raphael Samuel. 


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How to Cite
Molinaro, L. (2018). Culture and politics in the labour movement at the beginning of Argentine democratic order. Reflections on Ford Motor occupation (June-July 1985). Historia, Voces Y Memoria, (12), 77-90.