Información, cultura y sociedad is an academic and peer-reviewed journal published without interruption since 1999 by Instituto de Investigaciones Bibliotecológicas - INIBI, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Buenos Aires.  With a biannual frequency (June and December), it publishes originals papers regarding the production, registration, preservation, circulation, diffusion and the use of information. The aim of the journal is to be an area of confluence for the Librarianship and Information Science professionals or any other field concerned in this issue, with a view to building an interdisciplinary forum for discussion and exchange. Despite the fact that the journal intends to be a channel for the diffusion of Ibero-american researches, it is also open for the international community. 

ICS is published every six months, on June 10 and December 10 of each year.


The following types of contribution are considered for publication:

  • Originals and unpublished papers of theoretical or empirical researches; literature reviews; case studies. (Submitted to external evaluation). Up to 25 pages.
  • Brief research notes. (Submitted to external evaluation). Up to 10 pages;
  • Academic and professional notes. (Submitted to external evaluation);

The Editorial Board reserves the right to: 

  • Request articles or further texts by specialists whenever it deems necessary (this case would be also submitted to external evaluation);
  • Reject contributions that have no relation with the subject profile of the journal or that failure to comply with the style guidelines.
  • Establish the order that the accepted articles will be published.

Spanish and Portuguese are the preferred languages.

The manuscripts must be original and unpublished, they will be subject to a process of double-blind review by two or more external evaluators, where the anonymity of evaluator and author are both preserved. If discrepancies occur between the assessments, the Editorial Board shall appoint a new evaluator and the final decision will be taken based on this new assessment. In the final step of the assessment process, all of the contributions of Información, Cultura y Sociedad are submitted and evaluated by the Consejo Editor of the Facultad de Filosofía y Letras (Universidad de Buenos Aires) for the final approval. The authors will we notified of the decision to accept or reject their manuscripts. Furthermore, the papers may be returned to the author in order to add the modifications proposed by the evaluators within the time frame agreed by the Editorial Board. Consult forms in this link.

Información, cultura y sociedad has signed and adheres to the recommendations of  the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA).

ICS informs that the arbitration process may take between 3 and 6 months after receiving the article. Once accepted for publication, it can take 6 to 12 months.

Rejection rate of articles for:

2016: 52%
2017: 38%
2018: 63%
2019: 65,62%
2020: 52%
2021: 65,30%
2022: 62,26%

Authors must acknowledge their responsibility over the content of their contributions, the accuracy of the references made and their publishing rights. In accordance with the Reglamentación de Publicaciones of Facultad de Filosofía y Letras (Universidad de Buenos Aires), authors must transfer their publishing rights to the Facultad. They are also accountable for the presentation of their manuscript according to the rules, since tasks such as typing or editing would not be undertaken by the journal. However, editorial amendments of the papers can be made by the journal, while respecting the original content.

Authors must complete and sign a form indicating the originality of the paper submitted and its not simultaneous presentation in other journals. In addition, they must state not to be committing academic plagiarism. Download 

Manuscripts will be uploaded on Revistas Científicas Filo:

For enquiries:


Información, cultura y Sociedad remains committed to the Open Access to scientific information policy, considering that scientific publications as well as publicly funded researches must circulate freely, free of charge and with no restriction along the Internet. This journal is based upon the principle that offering society an open access to researches encourages a greater knowledge exchange along the world.

Therefore the publishing of the articles in the journal is free of charge as well as the access to their contents.

It also allows publishing the evaluated and accepted version in a pre-print repository.


Procedures to avoid plagiarism, malpractice and fraud

Información, Cultura y Sociedad adheres to the Principles of transparency and best-practices in de academic publications, established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)

Firstly, each article proposal is reviewed by the ‘Comité de Redacción’ in order to detect plagiarism or any disregard of the ethical guidelines concerning the scientific production. Specific software is used for this purpose (e.g., Plagium, Dupli Checker and Plagiarisma).

Secondly, this analysis is also deepened by the examiner during the double-peer review process. Furthermore, authors are required to sign and remit to the magazine a commitment towards the originality and the good ethical practices of the papers submitted.


Información, Cultura y Sociedad adheres to data sharing policies of investigation. We expect that all data supporting the article’s research is archived in a public and accessible repository. Authors must inform the availability of data using a bibliographical citation included in the final section Bibliographical references (see Authors guidelines). In case of absence of sharing data, this must be also informed (October 2019).


Información, cultura y sociedad is part of the institutional repository Filo:Digital ( of the Facultad de Filosofía, Universidad de Buenos Aires. The magazine is digitally archived and its preservation is warranted.

Información, cultura y sociedad it is also filed by the Sistema Nacional de Repositorios Digitales (SNRD) of Argentina and by the institutional repository of the Universidad de Buenos Aires RDI-UBA, among others.


Authors publishing in this journal acknowledge the conditions below:

  1. Authors retain the copyright of their work while they transfer the right of the first publishing to the journal, under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) Licence, which allows third parties to reproduce them under the condition that express mention is given to the author and to its original publication in the journal.
  2. Authors may enter into other contractual and independent arrangements for the non-exclusive distribution of the version of the article published in this journal (for instance, it can be published in an institutional repository or in a book). In any case, an express mention should be given to its first publication in the journal.
  3. It is permitted and encouraged to publish online the articles (for example, on institutional or personal pages).


The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party. 

Self-archive policy

This journal allows the deposit in repositories, institutional pages or others, of all versions of the article.

Indexing Services

This graph shows the journey of Información, cultura y sociedad through its incorporation into reference or full-text databases, directories and platforms.