Active participation in classes. Factors that intervene in the interaction of students in synchronous online clases

Keywords: Student Participation, Interaction, Synchronous Communication, Motivation, Active Learning


Students participation is vital in the teaching - learning processes, acquiring greater relevance in virtual learning environments. However, in online class experiences it has been shown that there is low interaction during synchronous classes, between students and teacher, and among students themselves. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to identify the factors that intervene in the interaction of the Library Science and Documentation students, of the Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana, in synchronous online classes. A survey with open and closed questions was used as a data collection instrument, applied to a sample of 103 regular students of the career, from a universe of 155 students. The results showed that the active participation of students in synchronous online classes is affected by factors internal and external to the learner, including personal, motivational and environmental aspects.


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How to Cite
Flores-Fernández, C., & Durán Riquelme, A. (2022). Active participation in classes. Factors that intervene in the interaction of students in synchronous online clases. Información, Cultura Y Sociedad, (46), 129-142.

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