La The retraction of scientific articles as a systemic problem

Keywords: Retraction, Retraction Reasons, Scientific ethics


This work addresses the problem of the withdrawal of scientific articles from a holistic approach. The growth of scientific production has also generated an increase in the phenomenon known as retraction, this is a topic that has been discussed from the particular point of view of plagiarism and in general as an aspect that is related to the lack of ethics on the part of the author or authors. Although many of the ethical problems that arise in the field of research are related to the ownership of ideas and the way in which they are used, there is a wide range of factors that do not fully account for deliberate malpractice. Therefore, retraction is located within the scientific information system that aims to produce knowledge and is affected by a diversity of processes and actors, and retraction is analyzed as a systemic phenomenon.


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How to Cite
Torres Vargas, G. A. (2022). La The retraction of scientific articles as a systemic problem. Información, Cultura Y Sociedad, (47), 93-102.