Information competencies in contexts of public secondary education in Montevideo, Uruguay

Keywords: Information competencies, Information literacy, Middle education, Information search, Information evaluation, Uruguay


This article presents the main results and conclusions of an R&D project that aimed to recognize information skills in first-year students of public high schools in Montevideo, Uruguay, as it is understood that this moment of their educational journey serves as a turning point at the end of the primary cycle and the beginning of their schooling in secondary education. The research used a mainly quantitative methodology, in which a web form was applied with activities linked to the different information competencies expected for students of the aforementioned level and, from said form, the results were studied. The article presents the main results obtained from the activities carried out by the students. As main results, various difficulties of students are evident when determining what their information needs are, designing search strategies and evaluating and selecting information sources. It is concluded that it is necessary to integrate in a more concrete way instances of teaching and learning whose objective is the construction of competencies in information.


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How to Cite
Alonso Varela, L., Díaz Costoff, A., & Saraiva Cruz, I. (2022). Information competencies in contexts of public secondary education in Montevideo, Uruguay. Información, Cultura Y Sociedad, (47), 45-63.