The Indigenous Pictorial Codices held in the National Library of Mexico

  • Tesiu Rosas Xelhuantzi Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Keywords: Mesoamerica, Corpus of codices, Indigenous record systems


This work studies five manuscripts from the colonial period that are preserved in the National Library of Mexico. Firstly, it explores the concept of codex and its application in the Mesoamerican context, with the interest of locating the proposed documentary grouping criteria based on the remanence of indigenous record systems. Then comes the presentation of each of the copies that constitute the corpus, which includes a brief historical context as well as a select example of some of its graphic characteristics. Finally, the spatio-temporal location of the copies in the history of Mexican written culture is shown, and it concludes with some thoughts on the corpus addressed and the indigenous scriptural and iconographic manifestations in the colonial period. In this way, the purpose of the article is focused on presenting and describing five manuscripts as members of the corpus of Nahua codices held in the National Library of Mexico.


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How to Cite
Rosas Xelhuantzi, T. (2023). The Indigenous Pictorial Codices held in the National Library of Mexico. Información, Cultura Y Sociedad, (48), 49-67.