Application of neuroeducation and Design Thinking as a didactic strategy in the university classroom. Experience in the Quantitative Methods I course of the Library and Information Sciences course at the University of Costa Rica

Keywords: University education, Design Thinking, Neuroeducation, Math functions


The present study arises from the need to innovate in university education through the interdisciplinary work of two professors: one of mathematics and the other of library science with the implementation of a didactic strategy in the course Quantitative Methods I of the Library and Information Sciences career (EBCI) of the University of Costa Rica. The research describes a practical case of pedagogical mediation, from its planning, execution and evaluation, integrating the theory of Design Thinking (DT) and theoretical contributions of Neuroeducation to achieve learning of basic concepts. of functions in a mathematics class. Among the results it is found that for 86% of the students the strategy used in the lesson motivated during the class, being valued in general with 9.59 points based on 10. In conclusion, this study has allowed the reflection of the didactic strategies that can be developed in a class with the support of Neuroeducation and how it can be nourished from other dimensions such as the DT methodology, without losing sight of what is essential in the educational field: meaningful learning


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How to Cite
Mora-Coto, G. M., & Rodríguez-Valerio, D. (2023). Application of neuroeducation and Design Thinking as a didactic strategy in the university classroom. Experience in the Quantitative Methods I course of the Library and Information Sciences course at the University of Costa Rica. Información, Cultura Y Sociedad, (49), 35-49.