The role of bibliographic, institutional and person identifiers in bibliographic control

Keywords: Bibliographic identifiers, Institutional identifiers, Person identifiers, National libraries, Bibliographic agencies, Bibliographic control


The aim of this work is to know the degree of insertion of bibliographic, institutional, and person identifiers in the bibliographic control process in national libraries and/or national bibliographic agencies of the Latin American countries that are members of the Association of Ibero-American States for Development of the National Libraries of Ibero-America (ABINIA), -Spain and Portugal are excluded-. The study was based on website research with a qualitative strategy around the analysis of identifiers. We proceeded to consult, observe, read, analyze and interpret the web pages of national libraries, national bibliographic agencies and the official websites of each of the identifiers. The results and conclusions show that Latin American national libraries rely solely and exclusively on two bibliographic identifiers for the registration of legal deposit and the preparation of national bibliographies: the ISBN (books) and the ISSN (periodical publications) and, to a lesser extent, in the ISMN (music publications, sheet music, etc.). The inexistence of networks of bibliographic agencies and agencies that manage identifiers that work collaboratively with national libraries show the limitations that exist in the dissemination of documentary heritage and, therefore, the limitations to be able to carry out exhaustive universal bibliographic control.


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How to Cite
Martín, S. G. (2023). The role of bibliographic, institutional and person identifiers in bibliographic control. Información, Cultura Y Sociedad, (49), 71-89.