A case study reflecting the situation of advertising documentation in Spanish companies

Keywords: Advertising documentation, Advertising heritage, Historical heritage, Balay


The boundaries between the phenomenon and the context may not be obvious. For this reason, a study of the scientific literature on advertising documentation is carried out, which is considered important to be a deep one, so it is contrasted with a real context to know the situation of the advertising documentation of a Spanish company, Balay, selected for being more than seventy years old and still in force today. It also has a large amount of advertising documentation that reflects the progress of the company and is a reflection of the social, cultural and economic context, in addition to being part of the documentary heritage as has been claimed through other studies. Therefore, once the knowledge of the studies in advertising documentation has been acquired, it is combined from the perspective of information and documentation management to contrast this theory in a real context and to understand the situation, in order to also be able to answer several questions, such as how to know if companies have specialized professional teams, documentalists, in order to apply techniques that make it possible to recover advertising documentation. The study ends with the conclusions and recommendations section.


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How to Cite
Cruz Gil, M. del C. (2023). A case study reflecting the situation of advertising documentation in Spanish companies. Información, Cultura Y Sociedad, (49), 115-125. https://doi.org/10.34096/ics.i49.13210