Beyond the "Information Science". Trends of a discipline in perpetual motion

  • Alejandro E. Parada Instituto de Investigaciones Bibliotecológicas. INIBI. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Universidad de Buenos Aires. UBA.
Keywords: Library Science, Globalism, Posmodernism, Trends


In this editorial the various trends in Information Science at a time marked by the whole, the Digital Age and postmodernism are analyzed. Among other aspects, the following topics are discussed: The impact of "liquid modernity" in the processing of information, development of library systems indeterminists, areas of "virtual plurality" in the traditional spaces of the Libraries, the increasing instrumentation of the Open Access, the importance of librarians’ training in the specialized "domain areas" and interoperability of the Semantic Web, the professional profile in digital capabilities, the role of "cultural heritage" of libraries, archives and museums, the otherness of users in their new virtual life, the modern architecture of the "Web of Things" and their relationships with people, among other topics of vital significance to resolve new perspectives of information science.


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How to Cite
Parada, A. E. (2015). Beyond the "Information Science". Trends of a discipline in perpetual motion. Información, Cultura Y Sociedad, (32), 5-10.