Author productivity in a Peruvian communication journal. Application of the generalized inverse power model
The productivity of the authors who published articles in the journal Contratexto, from 1985 to 2022, was analyzed to identify the most productive authors and those who constitute the core of producing authors. For this purpose, a bibliographic database dedicated to the journal was built in the Endnote X9 reference manager; subsequently, the data were exported to Excel and processed in Project R. The productivity of the authors was measured with Lotka’s Law using the generalized inverse power model; the three forms of counting were considered in the analysis of the data: direct, complete, and fractional. The chi-square test and Kolmogorov-Smirnov test were used to measure the fit of the observed data to the Lotka distribution for each of the counting methods. The generalized inverse power model for the three counting forms was found to fit Lotka’s distribution. A high concentration of authors with only one article published in the journal in its 38 years of existence was also found; the most productive authors in the studied period are mostly linked to the university that publishes the journal. ARK CAICYT:
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