Ixmati. The library as a laboratory

Keywords: Public library, Agency, Actor, Development, Community


This essay examines the relevance of the public library as a physical space within the context of the digital age. Given the predictions of its little relevance, the essay emphasizes the role of the agents or actors of the library project as the main mission of this institution aimed at the development of communities. The metaphor of the library as a laboratory is supported by the exercise of human libraries as the opposite extreme of the traditional version of a repository. The diversity and constant change of symbolic structures, including libraries, lead to a deterritorialization of their borders in a cartographic figuration that addresses their nomadic character as an expression of their critical and creative power in the field of political construction of knowledge. ARK CAICYT: http://id.caicyt.gov.ar/ark:/s18511740/oqay9tgz5  


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How to Cite
Epstein Cal y Mayor, L. M. de L. (2024). Ixmati. The library as a laboratory. Información, Cultura Y Sociedad, (51), 219-238. https://doi.org/10.34096/ics.i51.14907
Professional interest