The Right to be Forgotten and the persistence on the memory

  • Laura Silberleib Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Departamento de Bibliotecología
Keywords: Libraries, Internet, Personal rights, Right to information, Right to privacy, Personal information, Protection of personal data, Civil liability, Repair of damage


This work focuses on the current information society and telecommunications, and more specifically on the Internet environment, to develop the scope of the “right to be forgotten”.              Said expression is the one that guarantees, to the physical persons that so require, that the information that has been published about them in Internet is removed from the Web under certain conditions and by the same means by which it was incorporated, thus protecting its rights to intimacy, honor and dignity, in a healthy balance with the right to information and freedom of expression, all of them encompassed within the most personal rights.         The current relevance of this theme leads also to reconsider the role of libraries, among the emergence of this right, as defenders of the persistence of memory, always framing their activity within a healthy compensation between the protection of personal data and freedom of expression and information, and resolutely supporting the pillars of historical memory and the collective identity of society as a whole.


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How to Cite
Silberleib, L. (2016). The Right to be Forgotten and the persistence on the memory. Información, Cultura Y Sociedad, (35), 125-136.