The spaces offered as a library service: The cases of the university libraries of Madrid and Catalonia

Keywords: Library services, Madrid, Catalonia, Spain, Spaces, University libraries


The purpose of this work is to check if the libraries of the universities of Madrid and Catalonia offer the use of some of their spaces as a library service. The information of the websites of the libraries is studied and a questionnaire is sent to the libraries that do not have this information. The analyzed aspects are: quantity and variety of spaces, use or not use of the websites to promote the offer of this type of services, location of this information on the websites and content provided. Among the results of the analysis of the 30 universities studied, it has been proven, for example, that 23 universities offer some of their library spaces as a service, of which 20 indicate it on the websites of the libraries; that the variety of spaces offered includes 26 different types, highlighting for their greater presence the space available for group work (21 universities), individual and / or silence work spaces (12 universities) or computer spaces (10 universities), etc.


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How to Cite
Herrera Morillas, J. L. (2019). The spaces offered as a library service: The cases of the university libraries of Madrid and Catalonia. Información, Cultura Y Sociedad, (41), 13-34.