Among the Book and the Publishing Studies: The “material turn” in Intellectual History and Sociology

  • Ezequiel Andrés Saferstein Centro de Documentación e Investigación de la Cultura de Izquierdas en Argentina-CEDINCI Fray Luis Beltrán 125 - (C1406BEC) Buenos Aires Instituto de Investigaciones Gino Germani-IIGG, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de Buenos Aires Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cinetíficas y Técnicas
Keywords: Material turn, Publishing field, Book and Publishing Studies, Cultural History, Book and Publishing Sociology


This work presents two perspectives that are related to the Book and the Publishing studies in relation to the intellectuals issue, both in Argentina and internationally. Firstly, we present the main contributions of Cultural History and, secondly, we incorporate the sociological perspective. Both can be linked to the study of the intellectuals from a material perspective, in close connection with Book and Publishing studies. The Book is conceived here from two articulated variables: On one hand, as a commodity, and, on the other hand, according to its significance through the social space, which turns it into a symbolic good that carries the ideas that need to be materialized in books. In this way, we present, analyze and discuss the core history of these perspectives in order to establish a common line of work that can strengthen this field of study.


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How to Cite
Saferstein, E. A. (2013). Among the Book and the Publishing Studies: The “material turn” in Intellectual History and Sociology. Información, Cultura Y Sociedad, (29), 139-166.