The school librarian's professional image: the perception of headmasters and perceptions of librarians in primary schools in the city of Rafaela, Santa Fe

  • Fabiana María Jaime Escuela No. 851 Ángela de la Casa, Ministerio de Educación de Santa Fe. Luis Maggi 2079, S2300HJQ Rafaela, Santa Fe.
Keywords: School librarian, Image, Professional training, Library policy, headmasters-librarian relationship


It examines the professional image of school librarian of the city of Rafaela, Santa Fe. Its specific objectives are it analyses the training of librarians, the image in society, the specific role today, the communication with school headmasters, their interest in the role of school librarian, the relationship with all the educational community and library policies governing library work.This is a critical descriptive and quantitative approach and a design field that extracts data directly from reality, with the methodological procedure used the empirical-deductive. It determines the universe of study in the city of Rafaela and the studied population is ten schools with a librarian official position and professional librarians.We conclude that the image that headmasters have of the school librarian is blurred. They recognized the professional skills of school librarians but did not offer the support and tools necessary to deploy the full potential they have. However, this image of librarians strengthen that weakened image.Similarly, the instability in the implementation of policies from the school library and the lack of legal definition of school librarian for the State, do not provide opportunity to enhance the professional image of school librarian.Keywords: School librarian; Image; Professional training; Library policy; headmasters-librarian relationship 


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How to Cite
Jaime, F. M. (2012). The school librarian’s professional image: the perception of headmasters and perceptions of librarians in primary schools in the city of Rafaela, Santa Fe. Información, Cultura Y Sociedad, (27), 55-90.