Management of the inter-library loan service of the Cordoba University Library Agreement (ABUC)

Keywords: Interlibrary loans, Library cooperation, University libraries, Statistics, ABUC, Argentina


This work describes the management of interlibrary loans (PI) of the Córdoba University Libraries Agreement. The objectives to determine the level of use of the service, the percentage of documents obtained over the total number of requests made, the application of satisfaction surveys, the use of promotion / dissemination systems, the typology of users who use the service, the type of documents they request, the way libraries receive requests, the shipping methods used and the costs associated with the service were establised. It was also sought to identify the strengths and weaknesses regarding logistics and service management, the level of satisfaction with management software and the level of knowledge regarding IP regulations. A descriptive exploratory study with a quantitative approach was established. The design was cross-sectional framed in a field study whose units of analysis were the librarians in charge of the IP service and the directors of the ABUC member libraries. It was concluded that the greatest strength of the service is in access to other collections, which allows expanding the bibliographic heritage available to users. The major weaknesses of the interlibrary loan service were related to the problems related to the Cor-pib software and the sending and receiving of documents.


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How to Cite
Chaves, M. L., & Martín, S. G. (2020). Management of the inter-library loan service of the Cordoba University Library Agreement (ABUC). Información, Cultura Y Sociedad, (43), 131-146.