Visibility of Argentinian medical journals in international databases

  • Floriana Colombo Instituto de Investigaciones Bibliotecológicas, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Puán 480, 4º piso, oficina 8, (C1406CQJ) C. A. de Buenos Aires
Keywords: Bibliography, National Bibliography Control, Journal, Medicine, Argentina


Within the theoretical frame of the bibliographic dimension of disciplines (informative and bibliographic structures) and applying quantitative methods, the present research is aimed to analyze visibility and overlapping indicators of the national medical bibliographic production in course of publication in international multidiscipline or single-discipline databases. It is expected to prove that low visibility levels and high rates of overlapping could be the factors contributing to low dissemination and visibility of the medical Argentinian researchers production in the international «mainstream».


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How to Cite
Colombo, F. (2009). Visibility of Argentinian medical journals in international databases. Información, Cultura Y Sociedad, (20), 41-62.