Complexity of Documental Analysis

  • Tania Peña Vera Universidad del Zulia. Facultad de Humanidades y Educación. Escuela de Bibliotecología y Archivología. Apartado postal 526, Zona postal 4001-2. Estado Zulia
  • Johann Pirela Morillo Universidad del Zulia. Facultad de Humanidades y Educación. Escuela de Bibliotecología y Archivología. Apartado postal 526, Zona postal 4001-2. Estado Zulia
Keywords: Documental Analysis, Linguistic, Psychology, Analysis of Speech


The value of the information and the incorporation of technologies for its processing, make it necessary to deepen the documentary analysis as a real mediating process. The aim of this study is to go into the linguistical and psychological dimensions of that process. The specific objectives intend to go deeper their characteristic aspects, to explain the linguistical dimension of that process, and its relationship with the analysis of speech with the model showed by T. van Dijk as reference. Finally, all the mental processes that are involved in the reception and also the emission of such information is explained. For that reason, it was necessary to deploy a documentary research with a real rational approach which allowed to integrate theoretical perspectives of Linguistics, Psychology, Psycholinguistics and also Documentation and to identify concepts related to the work of the documentary analysis as well. This paper concludes that some linguistical concepts allow the comprehension and disassembling of grammatical structures and, therefore, they affect the moment the  documentary analysis is going to be applied. The existing methodology to analyze speeches represents a valuable theoretical and methodological tool for the applied documentary analysis in information units. Some psychological concepts allow to understand mental processes from the ones that receive and transmit information. Thus, it is important in the analytical and synthetic processes because it is received and  creates new information.


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How to Cite
Peña Vera, T., & Pirela Morillo, J. (2007). Complexity of Documental Analysis. Información, Cultura Y Sociedad, (16), 55-81.