The Max von Buch library of the Universidad de San Andres and its researchers. Second part of A study of the information needs, habits and characteristics of Humanities and Social Science Researchers

  • Irene Münster Biblioteca Max von Buch, Universidad de San Andrés. Vito Dumas 284. (1644) - Victoria, Buenos Aires
Keywords: User’s studies, Humanities, Social Sciences, Information needs, University libraries, Argentina


As mentioned in the previous article, the present study was conducted to understand and identify  the characteristics, needs and habits of research from the Humanities and Social Sciences researchers at the Universidad de San Andres (UdeSA). This second part tries to identify and evaluate their performance at the Max von Buch library of the University through the services that it provides them. The results of the survey are presented, together with the second part of the questionnaire, with the aim of identifying information needs.


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How to Cite
Münster, I. (2004). The Max von Buch library of the Universidad de San Andres and its researchers. Second part of A study of the information needs, habits and characteristics of Humanities and Social Science Researchers. Información, Cultura Y Sociedad, (9), 53-73.