A study of the information needs, habits and characteristics of Humanities and Social Science Researchers

  • Irene Münster Biblioteca Max von Buch, Universidad de San Andrés. Vito Dumas 284. (1644) - Victoria, Buenos Aires
Keywords: User’s studies, Humanities, Social Sciences, Information needs, University libraries, Argentina


The present study was conducted to understand and identify the characteristics, needs, and habits of researchers from Humanities and Social Sciences at the Universidad de San Andrés (UdeSA). Their information behavior is analyzed at the library, as well as through their use of the services that the library offers them. Differences between the information needs of Anglo Saxon and Argentinian professors were also studied, taking as objects for study the UdeSA faculty. The results of the survey are presented, as well as its questionnaire, with the aim of identifying information needs.


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How to Cite
Münster, I. (1). A study of the information needs, habits and characteristics of Humanities and Social Science Researchers. Información, Cultura Y Sociedad, (8), 69-84. https://doi.org/10.34096/ics.i8.945