The iconographic representation on early maps and their catalographic description. The case of the map libraries of national libraries in Ibero-America

Keywords: Iconography, Cataloging of early maps, Image cataloging, Iberoamerica, Panofsky’s iconological method


With the purpose of examining the procedures involved in the technical treatment of iconographic images represented on early maps, a qualitative investigation was carried out that analyzed the set of practices and guidelines applied in the map libraries of Ibero-American national libraries for cataloging and systematization of these elements. A structured observation was made on a percentage of records with high iconographic content available in the online catalogs of the study libraries and the data collected was compared with the current cataloging regulations and with the iconological method of Panofsky, from the field of theory and art history. Finally, through a questionnaire, information related to the establishment of policies and procedures manuals prepared by these institutions for the approach of images in old cartography was collected.


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How to Cite
Bentivegna, N. (2021). The iconographic representation on early maps and their catalographic description. The case of the map libraries of national libraries in Ibero-America. Información, Cultura Y Sociedad, (44), 33-48.