Cognitive Sciences in the Teaching-Learning Context of the Content Analysis

  • Ana Extremeño Universidad de Alcalá. Facultad de Documentación
Keywords: Cognitive sciences, Content document analysis, Teaching, Learning, Conceptual maps


The role that cognitive sciences are performing within the knowledge world is analyzed in a general way, and, the content document analysis (CDA) is particularly analyzed. It begins with a reflection about the implications that either the informative message transmitter or recipient has to understand the real essence of the message. Those aspects should have to be taken into account by the teacher in order to transmit the students a rigorous and efficient methodology for the development of the CDA. In that sense, a concrete methodology, the conceptual maps whose technique raises the representation of concepts or knowledgement of a specific area are analyzed, as well as the relations among them.


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How to Cite
Extremeño, A. (2004). Cognitive Sciences in the Teaching-Learning Context of the Content Analysis. Información, Cultura Y Sociedad, (7), 117-126.
Professional interest