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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Check that the text does not exceed 8000 words (including the bibliography and abstract) and that it complies with the rules detailed in the guidelines for authors.
  • Certify that the submission has not been previously published or submitted for consideration by any other journal (or an explanation has been provided in the Comments to the Editor). Authors are informed that the article will be reviewed in one of the existing programs to identify plagiarism.
  • Verify that the submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF or WordPerfect format.
  • Verify the inclusion of URLs for references, whenever possible.
  • Check that the text meets the stylistic and bibliographic conditions included in Guidelines for the author, in About the journal.
  • Verify that the shipment includes the following three documents:
    a) Cover. The document with the title Carátula.doc must include the title of the text, the authors and the data of institutional belonging.
    b) Article. The document with the title Article.doc must contain the title, summary and abstract, keywords (in Spanish, English and Portuguese) and the article itself. Please make sure that the document does not include any information that allows the identification of authorship. This document should not include acknowledgments, quotes or references to the authors' works. Please check in the document preferences that you have deleted the author names.
    c) Biographical synthesis. The document with the title Síntesisbiográfica.doc must contain a brief biographical note of the authors (up to 5 lines in normal Arial 9 font) and their email address.

Author Guidelines

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are asked to check each item on this list before submitting. Submissions that do not meet these guidelines will be returned to the authors.

  • Make sure the submission has not been previously published or submitted for consideration by another journal (or an explanation has been provided in the Editor's Comments). Authors are informed that the article will be reviewed in one of the existing programs for the identification of plagiarism.
  • Verify that the uploaded file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect format.
  • Check the inclusion of URLs for references, whenever possible.
  • Check that the text does not exceed 8,000 words (including the bibliography and abstract) and that it complies with the rules detailed in the guides for authors.
  • Verify that the text complies with the stylistic and bibliographic conditions included in Guidelines for the author, in About the journal.
  • Check that the shipment includes the following three documents:

    • a) Cover. The document with the title Carátula.doc must include the title of the text, the authors and the data of institutional belonging.
    • b) Article. The document with the title Article.doc must contain the title, summary and summary, keywords (in Spanish, English and Portuguese) and the article itself. Make sure the document does not include any information that would allow the author to be identified. This document should not include acknowledgments, citations, or references to the authors' work. Please check in the document preferences that they have deleted the author names.
    • c) Biographical synthesis. The document with the title Síntesisbiográfica.doc must contain a brief biographical note of the authors (up to 5 lines in normal Arial 9 font) and their email address.


Name Surname - name@gmail.com

Degree in Sociology (University) and PhD in Geography (University). Professor and Researcher (University). Articles published in specialized magazines on…

  • If the article contains figures, include them in the article and also submit each as supplementary material in its original format.
  • If you are including images and texts from third parties, you must have the corresponding authorization for their publication and include them before starting the submission.
  • Verify that ORCID registration has been performed for all authors.


Only articles in Spanish or Portuguese will be received. In the case of submitting an article in Portuguese, after its approval, the editors of the journal may request the authors to submit the text to a style review by a professional with experience in the area whose full name and email address They will be included at the end of the document.

Sheet format: A4.

Margins: Normal (Top and bottom: 2.5 cm. Sides: 3 cm)

Font: Arial

No one should have a header on the sheet, page numbering, or numbering. Simple line spacing and justified to both margins will be used.

Maximum number of words: 8000 (including bibliography and abstract)

Bibliography: APA format will be used, details of which are summarized later in this section.

Is recommended:

Activate the "show all" command in Word, to check the spaces between words
Taking as reference an article already published by the magazine Punto Sur


Title of the article (Arial 14, bold, lower case)

Name and Surname (Arial 11, Normal)

Institutional Belonging -Department, Faculty, University, Country- (Arial 9, Normal)

Name and Surname (Arial 11, Normal)

Institutional Belonging -Department, Faculty, University, Country- (Arial 9, Normal)

ABSTRACT / ABSTRACT An abstract will be included in the language of the article (Arial 9, Bold, UPPERCASE) Text: must have a single paragraph whose length will be between 100 and 200 words (Arial 9, Normal)

Palabras clave / Keywords: Up to 5 (five) keywords will be included, separated by a point, in UPPER CASE. For example: MOBILITY. TRANSPORT. TERRITORY. LATIN AMERICA. TOURISM. (Arial 9, Standard)

Article title. The title will be translated into English (Arial 9, Bold)

ABSTRACT An abstract will be included in English (Arial 9, Bold, UPPERCASE)

Text: must have a single paragraph whose length will be between 100 and 200 words in English (Arial 9, Normal)

Keywords: Up to 5 (five) keywords will be included, separated by a period, in CAPITAL CAPITAL. (Arial 9, Normal, lower case)

Palabras clave / Keywords: Up to 5 (five) keywords will be included, separated by a point, in UPPERCASE, in the language in which the article has not been written (Arial 9, Normal)


Title of the article (Arial 14, Bold, lower case)

TITLES. The titles will not have a number at the beginning and will be written according to 4 (four) levels of hierarchy:

Hierarchy 1: TITLE (Arial 11, Bold, UPPERCASE) Hierarchy 2: Title (Arial 11, Bold)

Hierarchy 3: Title (Arial 11, Italic, Bold) Hierarchy 4: Title (Arial 11, Italic)

Text body. Indentation should not be used in the body of the article. Paragraphs will be separated with a break (Arial 11, Normal).

Featured words. For words in another language, neologisms or localisms will be used

italics. Quotation marks will be reserved for verbatim citations only.

Footnotes. They will be located at the bottom of the page and numbered using the Word command “insert footnote”. Footnote numbers should be superscripts, like this one, 1 placed after any punctuation mark, except for a clarification line, in which case it will be inserted like this: –así2–. (The number will be inserted inside the parentheses if it applies only to the material inside the parentheses, as in this case.3).

Likewise, footnotes will be restricted to the minimum possible. They will not be used to cite bibliography (Arial 9, Normal).

Paraphrased quotes. For paraphrased citations, the following citation format will be used: (Santos, 1981) │referring to the full text

In-text quotes. Textual citations of less than three (3) lines will be written in the body of the text, between quotation marks, in Normal format and indicating the page number/s. The following citation format will be used:

(Santos, 1981:25) │referring to a particular quote, page number after a colon, without leaving a space.

(Santos, 1981:25-30) │referring to a chapter or topic.

(Santos, Souza and Silveira, 1994) or (Santos et al., 1994) │full text by various authors. In the case of more than three authors, the abbreviation et al. will always be used.

Textual citations of more than three (3) lines will be written with a left indentation of 1 cm in Normal format, size 9, leaving a break at the beginning and one at the end. Example:

(...) The crisis of the too-big city is the other side of the crisis of nature. The image of the “megalopolis”, the continuous, uniform city that covers the world, also dominates my book. But there are many books that prophesy catastrophes and apocalypses; writing another would be pleonastic, and above all, it does not suit my temperament. What matters to my Marco Polo is to discover the secret reasons that have led men to live in cities, reasons that can be valid beyond all crises (Calvino, 1972:6).

Personal communications. Private letters, memos, electronic communications – mail, undocumented discussion group messages or announcements – personal interviews, telephone conversations and the like; Since they do not provide retrievable data, they will not be included in the bibliography. Personal communications will be quoted in text only, using the initials and last name of the communicator and providing the date on which it occurred. Eventually, additional information can be provided in a footnote or in a methodological section.

Figures. Maps, photographs, graphs, plans, sketches, paintings, formulas, etc., will be considered Figures. They will be expressly alluded to in the text and they will be numbered correlatively with Arabic numerals: (Figure 1), (Figure 2), etc.

The author will place the Figure immediately after the paragraph in which it is mentioned for the first time, in the lowest possible resolution (to facilitate sending by email). Under each figure it will be indicated: Figure 1. Title. Fountain. (Arial 9 italics).

Example: Figure 3. Vehicle park of the city of Cuenca. Source: Cunanan (1997).

Likewise, the Figures will be sent separately, in JPG, JPEG, GIF, BMP or TIF formats, with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi for color or gray scale. Each file will be named according to the numbering it has in the article: Figure1.gif; Figure2.jpg; etc

Tables. The tables will be located immediately after the paragraph in which it is mentioned for the first time and generated with the "Insert Table" command provided by Word. (Tables made with Excel or other programs will not be inserted as a screenshot or image). They will be expressly alluded to in the text and they will be numbered correlatively with Arabic numerals: (Table 1), (Table 2), etc.

The following should be written on each table: Table 1. Title. Fountain. (Arial 9)

Example: Table 2. Commercial premises in the City of Buenos Aires, year 2016. Absolute values and absolute and percentage variation between both periods. Source: self made.

Notes and clarifications will be written below the box in Arial size 8, as shown in the example below.

The data in the tables must be written in Arial 9, Normal (exceptionally size 8 may be used) aligned to the left in the case of words and right in the case of numbers. Headings will be written in Arial 9, Bold.

Table 1. Number of stores in the Palermo Viejo sector, City of Buenos Aires, in the years 2002 and 2016. Source: Elaboration based on the 2003 CEDEM survey and 2016 own survey.


Survey year

Open premises

Closed premises (1)














Note. The table expresses absolute values and absolute and percentage variation between both periods.

Includes vacant or refurbished premises.

Clarifications. Indications about the project that financed the research, notes, translations and acknowledgments, will be written in Arial 9, Italics, and will be inserted at the end of the article, before the bibliography. This information will be included in the document once the evaluation process has been completed.



It will be written in a single list, with a jump between the references and alphabetically ordered (Arial 9). If you cite works of your own, please be sure to replace the last name with AUTHOR, XXXX.

Note: The last name will be repeated in case of more than one citation from the same author.

Format for bibliographical references:

Book, thesis, official reports

Author, A. A. and Author, B. B. (Year). Title of the book. Place: Editorial.

Roccatagliata, A. (2010). The railways in Argentina. A strategic reflection within the framework of international experience. Buenos Aires: Argentine Transport Foundation. │ Book title in italics. The rest normal.

Macías, M.C. (2003). Étude géographique des mutations du commerce de détail au Mexique. Le cas de la Frontière Nord et de la Ville de Tijuana: exception ou Modèle précurseur?, Doctoral thesis in Geography, Université de Paris III-Sorbonne Nouvelle. │ Thesis title in italics. The rest normal.

Honorable Senate of the Nation (1999). Argentine report on human development 1999. Volume II. Buenos Aires: Ecology and Human Development Commission, Honorable Senate of the Nation. │ Report title in italics. The rest normal.

Chapter of the book

Author, A. A. and Author, B. B. (Year). Book chapter title. In A. Editor, B. Editor, and C. Editor (Eds.), Book Title (pp. xxx-xxx). Place: Editorial.

Martiner, C. (1999). Transportation systems and reorganization of regional labor markets. In I. Caravaca, R. Méndez and J. Revel (Eds.), Globalization and territory: labor markets and new forms of exclusion (pp. 271-287). Huelva: University │ Book title in italics. The rest normal.

Article in magazine, presentations

Author, A. A., Author, B. B., and Author, C. C. (Year). Article title. Journal title, xx(x), pp- pp.

Garcia Palomares, J. (2008). Incidence on mobility of the main factors of a changing metropolitan model. Eure, 34(101), 5-24. │ Title of the journal in italics. The rest normal.

Fantin, M. A. (2006). Analogies and sociodemographic differences in the Argentine-Paraguayan border region. 2001-2002, II Congress of the Latin American Population Association, Guadalajara, Mexico. Title of the event in italics. The rest normal.


The volume will be placed in italics and, without leaving space, the number will be included in parentheses and without italics. If the Journal does not have a volume, the number is written without using parentheses and in italics.

It will not be placed pp. to indicate the number of pages.

printed newspaper article

Author, A. A. (Year, Month, Day). Article title. Title of the newspaper, pp-pp.

San Martín, R. (2004, February 11). They canceled the university debt. The Nation, 11.

online newspaper article

Author, A. A. (Year, Month, Day). Article title. Online newspaper headline, pp-pp. Retrieved from (URL-web page)

From Diego, J. (2018, July 17). To increase collection, end of non-remunerative benefits. The Commercial Chronicler. Retrieved from https://www.cronista.com/columnistas/Para-aumentar-la-recaudacion-fin-de-prestaciones-no-remunerativas-20180716-0088.html


Last name, A.A. (Date). Page title. Place of publication: Name of the web page. Retrieved from (URL-web page). (Query: 12-19-2015)

Ministry of Defense, Presidency of the Nation. National Geographic Institute. (s/f). Origin of the Name: Why Argentina? Argentina: IGN. Retrieved from http://www.ign.gob.ar/NuestrasActividades/Geografia/DatosArgentina/OrigenDelNombre


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