Metropolization Funza-Bogotá

Building environmental thinking from the solid urban waste

  • Brandon Zambrano Gómez Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas
  • Nicolás García Bobadilla Licenciatura en ciencias sociales, Facultad de ciencias y educación, Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas


This paper is a reflection from a pedagogical and research project “History, politics, and pedagogy of the waste” developed in the year 2020. Since the bibliographic informational mapping, the conceptualization about the geographic relationships between Funza and Bogotá is built, in terms of metropolization, as a territorial constitution of the neoliberal restructuration of capitalism in Latin America. A reflexive balance of the design and implementation of a learning space is shown, to question the wastes in the life and everyday space of the students, at the identifying of problematic matters, particular situations and critical actions, about waste production and the discard practices, all of this, under the conditions imposed by the pandemic; this with the purpose of finding relations between everyday and particular aspects of the students, with the structural elements where the solid wastes are located in the Funza-Bogotá metropolization relationships. About the metropolization relationship, we found the link between the changes in the productive activities and the land use of Funza, with the economic and political impositions of the neoliberal globalization since 1990. On the other hand, questioning the wastes has an impact in the modification of everyday practices and reflections on the participating students.


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Author Biography

Nicolás García Bobadilla, Licenciatura en ciencias sociales, Facultad de ciencias y educación, Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas
Estudiante de décimo semestre de Licenciatura en ciencias sociales, miembro del semillero de Investigación, Formación y Educación Geográfica Itinerantes.
How to Cite
Zambrano Gómez, B., & García Bobadilla, N. (2023). Metropolization Funza-Bogotá. Punto Sur, (8), 157-171.
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