Las Posthuman geo-graphies of a larch shingle
The larch shingle (fitzroya cupressoides) has been understood from its use, design and cultural interest, being one of the main materials and forms used in the construction of houses, churches and buildings in the south of Chile and in particular in the Chiloé archipelago. However, what is a larch shingle? Or rather, what accumulation of histories, relationships and temporalities does it harbor? The article seeks to deepen, from the vitalist materialism and the posthuman geographies in the network of relations constituted by the forest, territories, a craft trade, the diverse routes that took it to arrive to its destiny and a series of interactions and affective ecologies that go, somehow, strengthening it. From an ethnographic work in the territories inhabited by larches and shingles, the vibrations of a shingle are presented and with it other geographies associated with its vegetal materiality. Given that the larch (alerce) is a tree, endemic to southern Chile and Argentina, protected and declared a natural monument (1976), the shingle, and the associated craft, constitute an increasingly less accessible territory.Downloads
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Copyright (c) 2023 Pedro Pablo Achondo Moya
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