Infrastructures and collapses of State expansion in the mountainous lands of central Chile

Prelude to an announced sacrifice


Landmarks, monoliths, installations, and infrastructures in the most diverse states of conservation and use are part of the archaeological inventory of State presence in the Cordillera territories. This presence is divided between the installations of modernization of the territory at the expense of colonization of the environment and symbolic space, as well as the constructions deployed by inhabitants on the state expansion. In this case, our attention is focused on the former. The succession of public interventions in the more than two hundred years of the nation is symptomatic of the spasmodic ways in which hegemony is installed, maintained, and renewed in the mountain world. The legacy of installations that became traces and the irregular and unfinished geometric framework that remains, materialized in the successive transformations of the regional landscape, contribute to the understanding of the operational effectiveness of meager state formations. Our attention is focused on modernizing processes associated with rail transport, tourism, hydroelectricity generation and irrigation reservoirs, initiatives hegemonized by the presence of the Colbún hydroelectric power plant. All these initiatives have been promoted and sustained by the State and their traces have been metabolized in the current landscape that the State has converted into territory over the last two centuries. 


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Author Biographies

Juan Carlos Skewes, Universidad Alberto Hurtado. Santiago, Chile.
Ph.D. en Antropología por la Universidad de Minnesota. Profesor del Departamento de Antropología de la Universidad Alberto Hurtado. Su trabajo se ha concentrado en patrimonio cultural de territorios rurales, indígenas y de montaña de Chile, con énfasis en relaciones ecológicas y políticas entre diversos agentes bióticos y culturales.
Gabriel Esteban Espinoza Rivera, Universidad Alberto Hurtado. Santiago, Chile.
Estudiante del Ph.D en Antropología por la Universidad de Pittsburgh. Su trabajo se ha vinculado a procesos de precarización, desecho y valor en contextos posindustriales.


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How to Cite
Skewes, J. C., & Espinoza Rivera, G. E. (2023). Infrastructures and collapses of State expansion in the mountainous lands of central Chile. Punto Sur, (9), 170-198.
Dossier 9. Geografía, alterpolítica y materialismo posthumano