Posthuman geographies in Patagonia-Aysén: thresholds, shores, and intersections between animal ∩ human

  • Andrés Núñez González Instituto de Geografía, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
  • Santiago Urrutia Reveco Universidad de Buenos Aires / Conicet, Argentina
  • Matthew C. Benwell Newcastle University


This paper is interested in verifying the processes of deterritorialization and reterritorialization of human-non-human assemblages in Patagonia-Aysén. For this reason, it will be important to focus on the co-production that the superficial swarm of their associations implies and from where the bodies of the puma, the cow and the subjects that we will call border and environmental will emerge, among others. Its values ​​and senses, as we are interested in showing, do not have any transcendence and there are only hierarchies or games of force between them. Finally, we are interested in make evident the role of capital in these production processes as far that it enhances its surplus value from the economy of desire and the politics of images to build a territory where "dominated subjects" will consume the new states from where have been produced.


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How to Cite
Núñez González, A., Urrutia Reveco, S., & Benwell, M. C. (2023). Posthuman geographies in Patagonia-Aysén: thresholds, shores, and intersections between animal ∩ human. Punto Sur, (9), 9-27.
Dossier 9. Geografía, alterpolítica y materialismo posthumano