Of monsters, ghosts and heroes of "progress". Storytelling for life in Patagonia

  • Ayleen Martínez Wong Universidad de Buenos Aires
Keywords: Multisituated-Multispecies, SF practices, life storytelling, continue together, Patagonia


What are the dangers of telling a single story? What voices and stories are lost in this narrative? It matters what stories we tell in order to narrate with them other stories; it matters what concepts we use in order to think with them other worlds and it matters what images we see, in order to create with them other images. Through the multisituated-multispecies approach and the SF practices of Science Fiction, Situated Feminism, Speculative Fabulation and String Figures, I seek to disassemble and reassemble the entanglement of life storytelling in order to continue together, multiplying the worlds present in the narratives of travelers and explorers who were in the territory of Patagonia in Chile in the nineteenth and first half of the twentieth century and who described its landscape, thus participating in the construction of natural history, a hegemonic narrative. To tell stories for life in Patagonia is to open a story told by heroes of "progress", to give voice and place to those monstrous and phantasmagoric existences that live and die beyond the relationship that separates culture from nature.  


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How to Cite
Martínez Wong, A. (2023). Of monsters, ghosts and heroes of "progress". Storytelling for life in Patagonia. Punto Sur, (9), 115-132. https://doi.org/10.34096/ps.n9.12719
Dossier 9. Geografía, alterpolítica y materialismo posthumano