Territory (ies) and indigeneity (es): contributions from the field work with comechingonas communities of Córdoba

  • Lucas Palladino
Keywords: territory, communalization processes, indigeneity, indigenous re-emergencies, comechingones


This article intends to contribute to the study of the processes of territorialization and indigenous communalization by offering an ethnographic study in the province of Córdoba, Argentina. First, a description of the processes of indigenous re-emergency and communalization in contexts of extinction in the province of Córdoba is developed. Second, it proposes an analytical path based on the categories of communalization, indigeneity and territory or territorialization processes. In third place, two cases are shown where, at the same time, two processes of territorialization and rearticulation of comechingones communities operate. From this point the communalization process of La Toma in the city of Córdoba capital is addressed, from one side, by following the role that the territorial past played in the construction of the mobilized belongings; on the other side, by analyzing the senses of the past and communalization practices of the Ticas Community, investigated from the 2013, when occupied land located in a rural area developing there its community activities.


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How to Cite
Palladino, L. (2020). Territory (ies) and indigeneity (es): contributions from the field work with comechingonas communities of Córdoba. Punto Sur, (3), 78-108. https://doi.org/10.34096/ps.n3.9699