Narrative characteristics of Andronicus and Athanasia (BHG 123 j)

  • Pablo Cavallero
Keywords: narration, hagiography, Andronicus, Athanasia


It is made here a narratological study of the version 123j that is included in the manuscript Matritensis BNE 4787 (with partial testimony of the mss. Sinaiticus 530 and Marcianus II 151). They are pointed out some aspects linked with the narrative structure, the actants/ opponents/ assistants, the time, the space, the narrator, the narratee. With these structural elements, of actors, of events, of time and of space, the narrator constructs a fable where the story of Andronicus and Athanasia departs from a ‘possibility’ (what holiness way to a ‘result’ (the concreteness of the holiness process), made evident by the miracles and awards achieved already in their lives. The resultant text appears as an entertainment subject and, at the same time, as a subject of moral and spiritual building, and as a hidden ‘propaganda’ of the thaumaturgic places; in order to achieve all that, the narrative characteristics are essential. must be followed?), it develops its ‘fulfilment’ (the eremitic life) and arrives


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How to Cite
Cavallero, P. (2020). Narrative characteristics of Andronicus and Athanasia (BHG 123 j). Anales De Filología Clásica, 2(33), 31-41.