Some considerations about the narrative function of the author´s interventions in Hero and Leander of Musaeus: the case of the sentence

  • Daniel G. Gutiérrez
Keywords: Hero and Leander, author intervention, discursive function, narrative procedures, sentence


Hero and Leander is the only work attributed to Musaeus (5th century AD). In this late-old or proto-Byzantine epyllion, the author presents a formal plot composed of epic and fictional elements, which highlights the narrative nature of the work. Taking into account the discourse organization of the narrated material, is significant the fact that the poet’s voice intervenes at different moments of the story, positioning himself as an enunciator of sentences or morals that contribute to the development of the tragic love story he is narrating. 


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How to Cite
Gutiérrez, D. G. (2020). Some considerations about the narrative function of the author´s interventions in Hero and Leander of Musaeus: the case of the sentence. Anales De Filología Clásica, 2(33), 65-74.