La influencia de Phil. VA. 1.17 en la composición de pasajes de análisis literario en la Bibliotheca de Focio

  • Pedro Emilio Rivera Díaz Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Keywords: Photius of Constantinople, Bibliotheca, Philostratus, Vita Apollonii, Atticism


Photius' Bibliotheca, one of the most significant Byzantine works for classical studies, contains transcendentalinformation about many writings and authors that have not fully survived or have been lost. In addition to providing details of the authors and works or collecting extracts of them, they are literary analyses. The conceptual and terminological bases of Photius can be traced from many ancient writers, especially Hermogenes; however, there are other influences not yet identified. The aim of this work is to demonstrate the influence of Philostratus of Athens, and of one passage in particular, in the construction of the literary analysis of four codices.


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How to Cite
Rivera Díaz, P. E. (2023). La influencia de Phil. VA. 1.17 en la composición de pasajes de análisis literario en la Bibliotheca de Focio. Anales De Filología Clásica, 2(35).