Usos de la etimología en la Vida de Rómulo de Plutarco: indagaciones lingüísticas, históricas e identitarias

  • Analía Sapere
Keywords: Plutarch; Life of Romulus; Etymology


This paper aims to describe the strategies that Plutarch employs in his study of Latin etymologies in the Life of Romulus. Their analysis will provide us with valuable elements to understand the relation between Plutarch’s own (Greek) language and Latin language, in a work that explores precisely Greek and Roman paralellism. Our methodology is based on the study of the uses of etymologies, the description of the procedures employed by Plutarch and its consequences in both literary and ideological aspects of his work.


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How to Cite
Sapere, A. (2023). Usos de la etimología en la Vida de Rómulo de Plutarco: indagaciones lingüísticas, históricas e identitarias. Anales De Filología Clásica, 2(35).