La apocatástasis como proceso diacrónico y metafísico en Clemente de Alejandría

  • Carlos Andrés Blanch UNVM
Keywords: apokatastasis, Clement, process, gradualness, metaphysics


The term apokatastasis, which is fundamental in the thought of Clement of Alexandria, has been controversial among modern scholars, considering it a concept ranging from a chronologically-determined event to a process running through history, and extending to an eschatological and metaphysical level. By analyzing Clement’s texts, we aim to demonstrate the latter view, which, we believe, reflects the sense that the teacher of Alexandria had in mind. 


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How to Cite
Blanch, C. A. (1). La apocatástasis como proceso diacrónico y metafísico en Clemente de Alejandría. Anales De Filología Clásica, 1(27), 19-34.