La concepción (medio) platónica de la filosofía en el Didaskalikós de Alcínoo

  • Gabriel Martino UBA / UCA / CONICET
Keywords: imperial platonism, Plato, exegesis, dogmatism, authority


In this paper we examine the notion of philosophy of the Didaskalikós by Alcinous. This treatise, written around the second century CE, is an exposition of Plato’s most important doctrines, and it is a valuable example of how Plato’s writings were read by a trend of Imperial Platonism. The notion of philosophy is considered from two different perspectives. After an introduction to the treatise and a description of the philosophical trend it belongs to, we analyze, in the first place, the way in which Alcinous himself conceived philosophy. In the second place, we examine Plato’s notion of philosophy as it is understood and explained by Alcinous. 


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How to Cite
Martino, G. (1). La concepción (medio) platónica de la filosofía en el Didaskalikós de Alcínoo. Anales De Filología Clásica, 2(27), 61-80.