"Te voy a poner como una luz para el mundo" (Is. 49.6.4): la figura Eleazar como ejemplo y paradigma del éthnos hebreo en IV Macabeos

  • Roberto Jesús Sayar UBA
Keywords: ethnography, IV Maccabees, martyrdom, exempla, Judaism


The goal of this paper is to analyze the martyrdom scene of old Eleazar in 4 Maccabees to shed light on the scope of his actions within and outside the diegesis. We believe that his sacrifice is described in a particular manner so as to present it as the highest example of the priest’s cultural values. His conduct would become thus the center of a powerful centripetal force, capable of uniting the Hebrews as one single group of people, objectifying those values as commendable, and clearly distinguishing that community from all others. 


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How to Cite
Sayar, R. J. (1). "Te voy a poner como una luz para el mundo" (Is. 49.6.4): la figura Eleazar como ejemplo y paradigma del éthnos hebreo en IV Macabeos. Anales De Filología Clásica, 2(27), 99-114. https://doi.org/10.34096/afc.v2i27.1771