Lucilius as odyssean hero in <i>Satires</i> book III: epic allusions in some fragments of the <i>Iter Siculum</i>

  • Agustín Ávila
Keywords: Lucilus, Iter Siculum, Roman verse satire, Odyssey, performance


This paper focuses on the construction of the satiric mask in the Iter Siculum, single composition of Lucilius’ Book III. Bearing in mind that Horace, Persius and Juvenal in their programmatic satires depicted the archaic poet as an epic hero, it is proposed here that this was a resource he himself displayed in his Satires. From the analysis of fragments 97-98 M and 102-104 M, it will be argued that in the beginning of the satire the writer builds his persona as an odisean hero in full performance of his narrative. 


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How to Cite
Ávila, A. (1). Lucilius as odyssean hero in <i>Satires</i> book III: epic allusions in some fragments of the <i>Iter Siculum</i&gt;. Anales De Filología Clásica, 2(28), 67-76.