How To Be Listened To Once Again: Intertextual Mechanisms in the Pseudo-Hesiodic <i>Scutum</i>

  • Guillermo D. Vissani
Keywords: Scutum, Aspis, Pseudo-Hesiod, ékphrasis, intertextuality


Besides the fact that it is a poor imitation of the Shield of Achilles, the Pseudo- Hesiodic Scutum has not received a great deal of attention among classical philologists. However, these considerations do not explain why the Scutum had reached a high level of popularity by the time it was supposedly composed. This shows us that the poem was not considered by the artistic elites as a mere imitation of the Homeric hypotext. In this paper we propose to read the poem from a perspective that takes into account the reference to the hypotext as a conscious strategy of literary self-legitimation. 


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How to Cite
Vissani, G. D. (1). How To Be Listened To Once Again: Intertextual Mechanisms in the Pseudo-Hesiodic <i>Scutum</i&gt;. Anales De Filología Clásica, 2(28), 121-132.