The greedy matron and the degeneration of domestic space in some fragments of Lucilius' Book XXVI

  • Agustín Ávila
  • Melisa González
Keywords: Roman Verse Satire, Lucilius, Matrona, marriage, greed


Lucilius wrote his Satires in a time when certain events deeply changed Roman culture and society, eventually more prone to hedonism and luxury than to any respect for the mores antiqui. The woman type presented in some fragments of book XXVI differs from the inherited matrona’s model, and this deviation extends to the rest of the familia, thus threatening the integrity of the whole domus. The aim of this paper is to analyze the construction of a matrona’s countermodel and the problematization of intra-marital relationships, in order to demonstrate how, according to the satirist, the private sphere can affect the public one. 


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How to Cite
Ávila, A., & González, M. (1). The greedy matron and the degeneration of domestic space in some fragments of Lucilius’ Book XXVI. Anales De Filología Clásica, 1(29), 21-36.