Spinning of fate in Homer (second part)

  • Joaquín Venancio Flores González
Keywords: Homer, fate, spinning, spinners, moira


In this article I discuss the meaning of the image of the spinning of events by divine agents in Homer. In the first part I sketch the linguistic and semantic relations of the words that refer to it, and weigh a possible explanation by its association with birth. The main interpretation I propose picks up the one suggested by Onians: spinning should be conceived together with the activities of tying, knotting or fettering, being a part of the more general concept of binding. However, another interpretation is also attractive: the symbolic force of spinning resides in the act of giving shape to the shapeless. 


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How to Cite
Flores González, J. V. (1). Spinning of fate in Homer (second part). Anales De Filología Clásica, 1(29), 37-49. https://doi.org/10.34096/afc.v1i29.4197

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