Position of aphaeresis with regard to elision, crasis and enclisis in Attic Greek

  • Rodrigo Him Fábrega
Keywords: Attic Greek, aphaeresis, elision, crasis, enclisis, prosody


This work investigates some questions related to the slot filled by aphaeresis in the ordered sequence of Classical Attic Greek rules of connected discourse. Assuming a rule-based derivational approach to phonology, aphaeresis is analyzed in the interaction with enclisis, acute/grave tone substitution, elision, and crasis. Likewise, the study defines an environment in which conditioned enclitics are created by aphaeresis. 


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How to Cite
Him Fábrega, R. (1). Position of aphaeresis with regard to elision, crasis and enclisis in Attic Greek. Anales De Filología Clásica, 1(29), 51-66. https://doi.org/10.34096/afc.v1i29.4198