Chaste wife and triple beds in Euripides' <i>Helen</i>

  • Elsa Rodríguez Cidre
Keywords: beds, gender, Euripides, symbology, Helen


In a tragedy where Euripides decides to present as innocent and chaste the most beautiful adulteress of the world, it is interesting to analyze the numerous references to beds. These appear with different terms, and situations, spaces and owners. It is important to indicate the continuous reference to the number three regarding their occupants: the feminine element (Psamathe or Leda) replicates Helen’s experiences with the pairing Menelaus/Theoclymenus in this tragic plot or with that of Menelaus/Paris in the mythological level. This paper aims to analyze the symbology of beds, fundamental space for developing basic issues of the feminine gender as well as for main structures of this tragedy. 


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How to Cite
Rodríguez Cidre, E. (1). Chaste wife and triple beds in Euripides’ <i>Helen</i&gt;. Anales De Filología Clásica, 2(29), 127-140.