Hieron and the Greek Hoplites: war as a form of immortality in Simonides’ <i>Plataea Elegy</i> (fr.11 W=fr.5-A) and Pindar’s First <i>Pythian</i>

  • Caterina Anush Stripeikis
Keywords: Simonides, immortality, war, Pindar, cult


This paper analyzes the intertextual relation between the preserved fragments of Simonides’ Plataea Elegy and Pindar’s First Pythian, in regard to two expressions of the phenomenon of immortality: the glory bestowed by song and the establishment of hero cults. Hieron and the Greek Hoplites are recipients of that phenomenon. This essay will take into account the framework of both poems according to the different levels of meaning they construct and according to their relation to the Homeric tradition to which they belong. Additionally, references to the sociocultural context of both productions will offer a useful counterpoint for the analysis of hero cult. 


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How to Cite
Anush Stripeikis, C. (1). Hieron and the Greek Hoplites: war as a form of immortality in Simonides’ <i>Plataea Elegy</i> (fr.11 W=fr.5-A) and Pindar’s First <i>Pythian</i&gt;. Anales De Filología Clásica, 2(29), 141-153. https://doi.org/10.34096/afc.v2i29.5147