Theodore Prodromos, <i>Sale of poetic and political lives (Βίων πρᾶσις)</i>. Its dramatic rank in the context of the Byzantine theatre

  • Pablo A. Cavallero
Keywords: Byzantium, theatre, Prodromus, Bion prasis, mime


This paper offers a Spanish translation of this Prodromus’ work (12th century) with philological notes and a commentary that underlines the character of cento and the dramatic genre of the piece, beyond its satyrical intention; the paper holds the feasible performance of the play and its status of literary mime 


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How to Cite
Cavallero, P. A. (1). Theodore Prodromos, <i>Sale of poetic and political lives (Βίων πρᾶσις)</i&gt;. Its dramatic rank in the context of the Byzantine theatre. Anales De Filología Clásica, 1(30), 5-32.