Marte y Rea Silvia: historia de una genealogía (Ov. Fast. 3.9-70)

  • Maricel Radiminski
Keywords: Ovid, Rhea Silvia, Mars, power


The aim of this paper is to analyze the relationship between literature and political power in Ov. Fast. 3.9-70, episode in which the poet narrates the rape of Rhea Silvia by Mars and her consequent pregnancy, necessary for the birth of Romulus, Rome and Augustus, as well. The description of the encounter between the god, unarmed and turned into amator, and the vestal follows the model of the erotic elegy. Following Pasco-Pranger’s concept of genealogy (2006), we intend to show that Ovid appropriates the foundational myth and gives it a new meaning by formulating it in elegiac terms.


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How to Cite
Radiminski, M. (1). Marte y Rea Silvia: historia de una genealogía (Ov. Fast. 3.9-70). Anales De Filología Clásica, (26), 63-78.